Monday, March 20, 2006

Sunday was a bad day

Anybody reading this blog over the past couple of weeks would think I am the queen of complaining...but things don't seem to be going my way lately....

Saturday was a good day I must admit - the sun was shining and I met up with my friend Jo and her friend Cindy for a coffee and general girl gossip so that was fun.

I went to the gym in the afternoon and when I got back I noticed what I thought was just a pimple on my nose near my eye.

Rich and I went to Corey and Steven's farewell that night but thank God I'll have another oppourtunity to see them again before they take off to the UK because neither Rich or I was feeling flash and we left early at 11:30.

Yesterday I was feeling worse and all around my nose and eye had swelled up and I spent all afternoon in bed with the worse headache I think I have had in my life - it was SO PAINFUL!

So we were meant to go for a walk and then hang out with Nankz in the afternoon but none of that happened. Poo.

The headache isn't too bad right now - but my eye is way swelled up (looks a bit like I was in a scrap in the weekend) - I'm going into work this morning but going to have a word to my manager and let her know and see if I can get to see a doctor this afternoon.

I so want to be well. Damn.

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