Monday, June 12, 2006

Brrr...Damn it's cold, wet and miserable...

But at least I don't live in central Auckland where the power was off for most of the day and I am very proud that I managed to get my butt out of bed at 5:45am to go to the gym first thing so I am very proud of myself:)

Tonight it's off to bookclub - although it would be very easy just to stay at home snuggled up - but I didn't go to bookclub last month and I am quite passionate about the subject (Africa) and it's always good to catch up with the bookclub girls.

I recieved a few e-mails from Tabitha today and among other things she asked me why I wanted to do a graduate diploma in Women's Studies.

Well, it's like this - although I like my job I'm not passionate about it - some days I just feel like a drone heading off to the hive again. I know I can't give up my job and totally go back to uni at the moment - but decided that I needed something in my life to challenge my brain that I am really passionate about.

I am really passionate about feminism/women's Lib - so that's why I have decided to do the grad diploma - it will be a lot of work - but it's something I really want to do and I know I will put my heart and soul into it.....and once I finish my grad diploma - who knows what may happen!

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