Sunday, January 11, 2009

Skate Camp Update - Yah!

Blood & Thunder camp seems to coming up very quickly, on Friday night when I checked my e-mail I found I had a message which included the camp schedule for New Zealand.

There will be plenty of free skating time and discussions, as well as a lot of new skills to be learnt. Some of the topics for us "Freshmeat" include -T-Stops & Snowplows, Skating Backwards, Basic Falls & Recovery. We also have a session called "Hit First, Hit Fast, Hit Hard" which is freaking me out slightly as I haven't done any contact derby stuff yet - eek! But I guess that's what padding is for.

All this talk of derby also brings to mind my second new years resolution - and that is - to skate every day that the sun is shining and it's actually possible to skate. I have been doing pretty well with this one. I have even been skating BEFORE work at the Kelburn school (I figure that if people go running before work I can go skating before work right).

Also on the Roller Derby front, I bought a cute "make your own wristlette" kit from Esty. I can hardly wait for it to turn up. Even though I already have so much other crafty stuff to do!

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